저 멀리 스페인에서 7월 11(오늘) 데뷔한 2018 아우디 A8과 A8 L 원본 사진들(Audi A8)입니다.
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아우디가 7월 11일(현지 시각), 스페인 바르셀로나에서 신형 A8과 A8 L을 발표했다. 이번에 공개한 신형 A8 시리즈는 7년 만에 내놓은 4세대 모델이다.
2014년 선보인 아우디 프롤로그 컨셉트의 디자인을 처음으로 채용해 향후 다른 모델에 입힐 차세대 아우디 디자인 정체성을 보여준다.
전체적으로 스포티하면서도 차체를 키워 카리스마가 넘친다. 3세대와 비교해 37mm 늘어나 5,172mm의 길이다. 롱버전인 A8 L의 길이는 5,302mm나 된다. 높이는 13mm(롱버전은 18mm) 늘었다. 이런 변화는 그대로 뒷좌석 거주성 확대로 이어졌다. 수치상으로 32mm의 무릎 공간이 확대되었다. A8 L의 경우 자동도어와 마사지 기능을 갖췄다.
긴 차체를 고려해 네바퀴 모두 조향이 가능한 올 휠 스티어링 시스템을 도입했고 센서와 카메라를 통해 지형을 파악한 뒤 4개의 서스펜션을 제어하는 AI 능동형 액티브 서스펜션을 처음으로 달았다. 이를 통해 럭셔리 세단의 부드러운 승차감에 스포츠카의 단단함까지 맛볼 수 있다.
엔진은 가솔린과 디젤 모두 3.0L V6, 4.0L V8 터보의 4종을 메인으로 최고급형엔 W12 6.0L 엔진을 얹었다. 모든 엔진은 8단 자동변속기와 함께 48V 마일드 하이브리드 시스템을 접목해 동급 최고 수준의 효율성을 자랑한다.
또, 향후엔 플러그인 하이브리드 형태엔 A8 L e-Tron 모델을 추가할 예정이다. 3.0 터보 엔진과 모터를 결합해 449마력의 출력을 내고 모터만으론 최대 50km까지 달릴 수 있다.
액티브 서스펜션과 함께 이번 모델의 특징 중 하나는 양산차 처음으로 레벨3 수준의 자율주행이 가능하다는 점이다. 트래픽 잼 파일럿이라 불리는 시스템으로 중앙 분리대가 있는 비교적 혼잡한 도로(60km/h 이하)에서 운전자를 대신해 스스로 움직일 수 있다. 발진, 가속, 감속은 물론이고 스티어링 조작도 가능하다. 아우디는 법이 허용되는 지역이라면 움직이면서 TV 시청도 가능하다고 밝혔다.
아우디는 신형 A8을 올 가을부터 독일 시장에서 판매하며 이후 다른 지역으로 확대할 계획이다. 기본형의 값이 9만 600유로부터 시작하고 롱버전인 A8 L은 9만 4,100유로부터 시작한다. 국내에서 과연 레벨3 기술을 인정받을 수 있을지 기대된다.
There's plenty to love about Audi's new flagship, but it comes at a cost.
Audi says the new 2018 A8 represents the future of the luxury automobile class. After numerous teasers and spy photos, the future is now upon us and if we’re honest, it doesn’t look that much different than the past. It’s a little bit bigger overall, and it comes in 12 exterior colors including three all-new shades, but it’s a conservative approach that we suspect most Audi followers will appreciate.
However, that’s not to say there isn’t plenty of futuristic bit contained within the new package.
The biggest difference outside is the automaker’s new Singleframe grille, accented with additional tweaks to the front and rear fascias. Among those tweaks are new lasers (yes, lasers) within the HD Matrix LED high-beam headlamps. No, you won’t be able to pull a Spy Hunter and blast cars off the road, but the laser system does effectively double the range of high beams at speeds above 43 miles per hour, which is when the system activates.
Check out all of the official videos:
Discover The 2018 Audi A8 In 13 Videos
Lasers are cool, but it’s inside where the A8’s claim to the future begins to make more sense. The flagship gets a new virtual cockpit with a digital instrument cluster that displays key vehicle information in full HD resolution of 1,920 x 720 pixels. The 10.5-inch center infotainment screen is nearly flush with the dash, but perhaps the biggest difference is a surprising lack of buttons and knobs compared to the current A8. Audi’s new Multi Media Interface relies more on the touchscreen and voice commands to access various functions, though main functions can still be accessed through steering wheel controls. Aural and tactile feedback helps drivers know when commands have been entered and executed.
And there are a lot of commands. Audi says the A8 has 41 different driver assistance systems, and the MMI can be configured with six different user profiles with 400 different functions. Just a few of those include a “smart” navigation system with a self-learning function, adjustments for the optional head-up display, connecting smartphones, configuring the bevy of cameras and sensors, adjusting the audio system which includes 3D sound available for the first time in the rear, and oh so much more.
2018 Audi A8 2018 Audi A8
2018 Audi A8 2018 Audi A8
Yes, that also includes the relaxation seat available only in the long-wheelbase A8 L. Relegated to the passenger side rear, the relaxation seat provides various heating/cooling and massaging functions as well as a footrest that also includes foot massaging functions. Luxury, indeed.
Motor1 insider
Also among those settings is the A8’s much talked about autopilot system. Audi is the first manufacturer to use a laser scanner (yes, more lasers) in conjunction with radar and other sensors to get a layout of the surroundings. As such, the manufacturer says it’s a highly automated system that will let drivers be completely hands-off in slow-traffic situations on divided highways. As long as speeds remain under 37 mph, the A8 can handle the rest. In parking situations, the A8’s autonomous system can maneuver and park itself in a garage or space without the driver even being in the car. The system can be activated by a smartphone and monitored by the driver from a remote location.
The big news on the mechanical front is that every single A8 is now a hybrid. The car will launch with a pair of turbocharged V6 engines – a 3.0-liter TFSI petrol mill good for 340 horsepower, and a 3.0-liter TDI diesel with 286 horsepower. Each will work with a mild hybrid system that can let the A8 coast for up to 40 seconds without the engine engaged, at speeds from 34 to 99 mph. The system also allows for slow-speed operation as well as start-stop functionality. Audi says 4.0-liter V8 engines for both gasoline and diesel power will be coming in the future, as well as a W12 model and e-tron plug-in hybrid. The A8 will dispense power to all-four wheels through a newly developed eight-speed tiptronic automatic.
2018 Audi A8
Audi’s new active suspension is also of some interest. Billed as AI active suspension, it incorporates an electric motor and numerous other components for each wheel, allowing the system to adjust suspension load independently. As a result, Audi says the A8 can have the isolated compliance of a proper luxury sedan, with the agile stance of a sports car. That’s a feature we’ll be very keen to investigate on our own.
The new 2018 Audi A8 will launch this fall in Germany, but the future doesn't come cheap. The V6 model opens with a starting price of €90,600, with the A8 L costing €94,100. That translates to $103,000 and $107,000 in U.S. dollars – a far cry indeed from the A8's current $82,500 base price. Time will tell if lasers and advanced self-driving modes are worth the price of admission.