글로벌 시장에서 일본, 특히 토요타의 친환경 이미지는 상당하죠. 이미 수십년간 하이브리드 시장에 도전하면서 쌓은 것인데 최근에는 그 영역을 연료전지까지 확대하려는 움직입니다. 사진은 2015 도쿄 모터쇼에 출품할 FCV 플러스(Toyota FCV Plus) 컨셉입니다. 딱 봐도 가까운 시일내에 양산화될 가능성은 없어 보입니다만 몇가지 주목할만한 신기술이 있네요.
Toyota FCV Plus (world premiere)
Compressed hydrogen has a higher energy density than electricity, can be generated from a wide range of raw materials, and is easy to store, making it a promising future energy source. That's why Toyota envisages a sustainable society in which hydrogen energy is in widespread use―a society embodied by this concept vehicle.
Clean generation of hydrogen from a wide range of primary energy sources will make local, self-sufficient power generation a global reality, and fuel cell vehicles will take on a new role as power sources within their communities. Toyota's aim is to add an all-new sense of purpose to the automobile by turning fuel cell vehicles from eco-cars into energy-cars.
Generating electricity
In addition to the vehicle's own hydrogen tank, the car can also generate electricity directly from hydrogen stored outside the vehicle. The vehicle can thus be transformed into a stable source of electric power for use at home or away.
Sharing generated power with others
When the car is not being used as a means of transport, it shares its power generation capabilities with communities as part of the local infrastructure.
Supporting future generations
The car's fuel cell stack can be reused as an electricity generating device, transcending the traditional functions of cars. Put to versatile uses around the world, these stacks could contribute significantly to local communities.
The fuel cell stack is mounted between the front tires, and the hydrogen tank behind the rear seat. Together with the adoption of independent in-wheel motors in all four wheels, this allows for a spacious cabin despite the vehicle's compact vehicle body. By concentrating functional parts at the front and the rear of the vehicle, this next-generation fuel cell vehicle package creates an optimal weight balance and a wide field of vision.
The exterior adopts a distinctive, sleek shape, while the frame structure of the interior ensures rigidity despite the light weight of the car. Altogether, the design conveys the vehicle's advanced technology and outstanding environmental performance.